Friday, January 25, 2008

Hell With The Lid Off

A phrase once used to describe Pittsburgh from the early steel-town days, this moniker is now used for an annual barleywine festival. From the East End Brewing newsletter ...

"HELL WITH THE LID OFF" RETURNS... The biggest and baddest barleywine festival the Eastern US has to offer is back - and it’s right here in Pittsburgh. Kelly’s Bar and Lounge with again be the site of the largest collection of Barleywines available under one roof (including East End Gratitude 2007... possibly some older vintages too). Two days, four hour sessions, with beer friendly food, barleywines old and new, domestic and imported, big and bigger, and small manageable samples make this one of my favorite events of the year. Tickets go on sale Growler Hours (at East End Brewing) and at Kelly’s next week - $35 in advance, $45 at the door. Feb 23: 4-8pm (sold out last year), Feb 24th: 2-6pm. If you need directions or other info, call Kelly’s at 412-363-6012.

If there is enough interest, perhaps we should see about getting a van up for this trip ... Tim at The Coney has expressed willingness to help our group coordinate events like trips to local festivals. There'd be an additional charge, of course, but it beats a DUI ticket after drinking barley wines (typically from 8-12+% ABV)!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Notes from the January Meeting

Tonight was another successful meeting of the club! Just about 15 of us showed up tonight at the Coney, including one new member. Welcome Ray!

A reporter and photographer from the local paper (Indiana Gazette) showed up. WE got some pictures for a future article, and Sam, the reporter, stayed for most of the meeting.

We started by watching a DVD on all-grain brewing, brought by Bill. After the presentation, we sampled four different beers supplied by: Dave, Justin, Eli, and Tom.

Information will be upcoming for February's meeting and "Febtoberfest".

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Gazette Notice for Tuesday

In case anyone missed it, the next Indiana Homebrewers meeting was announced in Saturday's Indiana Gazette on the bottom left of page 4 (under the obits).

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2008!

Hopefully, your holiday season was enjoyable, relaxing, and safe. And hopefully, you've all made a Brew Beers Resolution for 2008! That's right - a Brew Beers Resolution; to brew more beer and to drink better (not more) beer in 2008. We all want to watch those waistlines and get healthier, but a nice homebrew now and again is part of a balanced and joyous lifestyle :)

We'll be sending out an email shortly about next week's meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 8 (the Second Tuesday) at The Coney.

I just got the new place mat today from New Century Impressions, and below is a picture of our club ad. It was printed on 20,000 place mats that you'll see in some of Indiana's fine establishments - including, of course, The Coney.

Look for it the next time you're out!