Wednesday, October 24, 2007

First Meeting Goes Great!

What a response!

I think I speak for the four organizers when I say we were very pleased with turnout. Last count had more than twenty people in attendance, all very enthusiastic about brewing. It was a great start, for sure.

Next meeting is November 13th, mark your calenders.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Inaugural Homebrew Club Meeting

That's correct! We are going to have our inaugural meeting at The Coney on Tuesday, Oct. 23 at 8pm. Come one, come all interested in homebrewing. Our flier will be posted at various locations in town, and we'll be spreading the word as much as possible.

At the moment, we're not sure how many people may show or what the interest/experience level will be, but there's only one way to find out!

P.S. - A huge thanks to Jon for creating the flier!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Homebrewers Club Forum Now Online

That's right .. the Indiana Beer Club, which is really going to turn into more of a Homebrewers Club, now has a discussion forum for its members.

Join us at:

The inaugural meeting is coming soon! Details will be posted shortly.